Our Services

1031 Qualified Intermediary Services for real estate investors

Experience fast, secure and
reliable exchanges

1031 Exchanges can be very simple and straightforward – or they can be incredibly complex. Our team is equipped to work with you and your team of professionals on every type of exchange possible. We will work with your tax advisor, attorney, broker, lender and any other professionals involved in the transaction to ensure that you have a fully compliant exchange that optimizes the tax deferral to your satisfaction. Read on to learn more about the specific type of exchange, consult our FAQs for more answers, or reach out to us directly to discuss.

Standard (Forward) Exchange

The sale of relinquished property followed by the acquisition of one or more replacement property(ies) within the 180 day exchange period.

Reverse Exchange

The acquisition of replacement property, followed by sale of relinquished property within the 180 day exchange period. The qualified intermediary will hold title to the replacement property during the construction period to ensure compliance with IRS rules and regulations.

Improvement Exchange

The sale of relinquished property, followed by acquisition of replacement property, with a portion of the proceeds held for improvements on the replacement property (which must be completed within the 180 day exchange period). The qualified intermediary will hold title to the replacement property during the construction period to ensure compliance with IRS rules and regulations.

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